Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crayon Melting Art

I have learned something today... I attempted crayon melting art...
This is what I learned:
1) need lots of patience
2) it does NOT work putting it through the glue gun... It will squirt HOT wax.
3) You are playing with hot wax.
4) blow dryer takes tooooooo long
5) best way to melt is put the crayon to the tip of the glue gun and melt where needed. Then go over the spots with the tip of the glue gun to spread
6) cover with Elmer's glue cause the damn wax keeps peeling up..
7)UM, lost a table cloth to this project.... So dont forget newspaper or take it outside.

LOL and above all else have fun.


  1. LOL! I get the feeling you're not a big fan of melting crayons!

    1. LOL.. now that I have tried it..And experienced the pains of it.. I like it but it does require some thinking...
